Hi, I’m Lisa Kerhin!

We all have cookbooks that we cherish with dog-eared pages, bookmarks, and even scraps of paper sticking out of them with other recipes we want to keep. You probably even have cookbooks like this too.

That’s where my blog started. I was tired of keeping the small scraps of paper in the books, and not being able to find the ones I needed. I wanted – needed them all to be in one place. What better place than the internet where with the click of a mouse, I can have them in sight and get on with the cooking!

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and look around the blog.  You’ll find recipes of all types here and sometimes even non-food DIY home projects I have completed.

Little facts about me:

Married to the same wonderful man for 34 years and blessed with two talented, beautiful daughters who are now adults. They are my “guinea pigs” when I am trying new recipes out. They are my harshest critics! I’ve had to toughen up a bit! We have one cat, Fiona, to keep us entertained.

I love to cook, read, and spend time with my family and friends.  Add full-time student to the list, too.  Not too long ago, I made the terrifying yet peaceful decision to quit my job to go back to school to complete my Bachelor’s Degree in Public Service. Happy to say I did it! Graduated in May 2016! I blog when I can and learn more and more about the nitty gritty of it all. One of the things I have learned is that you have to step out of your cooking comfort zone and dive into a recipe that may not be on your level of expertise.  How do you know if you can move to a new level in anything if you don’t try, right?  That’s how it was for me, with Cream Puffs! I mean, come on, those sweet puffs of goodness look so fragile, there was no way I could do that!  It is so easy to make them! Who knew! Something else I am still learning is how to take good food pictures. It’s a work in progress, believe me. I don’t have a fancy smancy camera yet but I am learning new tricks.

While the pictures on my blog may not be perfect, try the recipes out, you won’t be sorry!  Follow me here, on FacebookPinterestTwitter, and Instagram.

There are simple recipes for everyone!

Got questions or comments – Comment below or Contact me (Lisa) at blogghetti@gmail.com
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