Home » Egg Recipes Featured on #TastyTuesdays Link Party

Egg Recipes Featured on #TastyTuesdays Link Party

Easter is a few days away and I’ve got a few recipe ideas for all of the eggs you may have hard-boiled, an easy treat, and an Italian sweet bread.

Easter yummies Tasty Tuesday Link Party

Last week on Tasty Tuesdays, there were so many delicious recipes that I just went a bit crazy pinning them to Pinterest. I can’t wait to see what you all share with us this week!  Here are a few of my favorites from last week.

Easy Egg Salad Recipes from Nepo Mom will use up a few of those eggs you hard-boiled and colored for Easter.

If you have eggs left to use up after Easter, give these three delicious deviled egg recipes from A Blonde’s Moment a try.

Tasty Tuesday feature

I just love family recipes, especially ones that make us remember the story behind them.  This Italian Easter Bread from A Grande Life is one of those recipes.

Tasty Tuesday feature

Easter Egg Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites from Dizzy, Busy, and Hungry make the perfect sweet snacking treat.

Let’s get on with this week’s #Tasty Tuesdays Link Party!


Tasty Tuesday's hosts

  • PLEASE follow the hosts of this party through one of their social media listed below. They will visit your post and pin it. Just pick one (or more) of the options below and please follow them.

**Tammy from Creative K Kids (Blog)**

**Audrey from That Recipe (Blog)**

**Lisa from Blogghetti (Blog)**

  • Please link up to three food-related posts that have never been linked up here before. Posts containing alcohol also will not be pinned.
  • Place this button or a link to this post somewhere on your site–either on the actual post or on your sidebar or on your party page.

Creative K Kids

  • As a thank-you for linking up, we will pin your recipe to the Tasty Tuesdays at Creative K Kids Pinterest board. Please follow the board to see all the great food recipes!
  • Creative K Kids is not responsible for stolen images or the mis-use by others who have found your image through CreativeKKids.com.
  • By linking up, you agree to let any of the hosts or co-hosts use your pictures and links if they decide to feature your post. Your photo may also be used for promotion on any of their social media outlets.
  • If you include your e-mail in the linky form below you will be added to a weekly reminder e-mail when the link party goes live. Your e-mail will not to added to any other lists or given out.

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