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Party Style Book Tour Review


Welcome to the next stop on Gemma’s Touchstone’s Party Style Blog Book Tour! I am thrilled to be a part of this exciting tour and have enjoyed Gemma’s book so much!  My kids are all grown up but I am tempted to throw one of these creative themed parties for them anyway! The book is packed full of party ideas for kid’s parties from baby to Sweet 16! Everything from planning the party to the menu to decorations are in this book.  In my opinion, it is the resource you need for your next kid’s party! You’ll be the coolest parent out there when you throw a party using the ideas, tips, and recipes from Party Style.


Gemma Touchstone is the creator of www.ILovePartyStyle.com web site and is one creative and talented lady!  Each of the party theme’s in her new book has checklists, instructions for all of the coolest party decorations, and full recipes for party foods that even the pickiest kid will love.  There’s a whole section devoted to party etiquette and menu planning.

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Beautiful images of many DIY crafts, decorations and food are scattered throughout the book making it even more of a valuable tool.  You can see what your finished decoration or party themed cake should look like. If you’re like me, visual prompts are my best friends!


Have I peeked your interest? You want your own copy, don’t you? Once you purchase the book, not only do you have the a resource and guide to the perfect party style, you will also get over $2,500.00 worth of exclusive party printables with your book purchase for download off of the www.ILovePartyStyle.com web site. Take a sneak peek inside the book here or check it out in more detail here.  You can buy the book HERE.



0 Book Tour Giveaway Party Style Gemma Touchstone



If you would like to learn more from Gemma, you can catch her at the Pinners Conference in Salt Lake City, UT Nov 6th & 7th.  She will be teaching pin worthy parties and you can save 10% on tickets with ticket code partystyle

Gemma Touchstone will also be speaking at ISSE along with  Colin Cowie and some other amazing speakers and you can save $500.00 on your ticket when you mention PartyStyle Book Tour

Find Gemma at the OC DATE NIGHT MARKET March 11th and for more dates on her Tour around the USA Please visit her Blog.

And, then there is this –  Gemma’s Next HOLIDAY HOSTESS is already in the works and will be out in time for the holiday season in 2016.  So grab your copy of Party Style now and save the date to pick up her upcoming books.

Disclaimer:  I received a copy of Gemma Touchstone’s Party Style book from Cedar Fort to review.  All opinions in this review are my own.

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