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The Purex Challenge


Today I am doing something a bit different on the blog.  It actually isn’t a recipe-related post but it will help you with all of your food-related stains not just food though – nearly every stain you may encounter in your daily (weekly) laundry chores.  Recently I signed up to be a part of Purex Social Insiders and they sent me my first challenge.  The Purex Challenge.  What is this challenge? Simply put, the wonderful people at Purex sent me a full-sized bottle of their newest product, Purex® plus Clorox2® detergent.  All I needed to do was test this on the toughest stain I had and then review the product results.  How convenient was it that I was out of laundry detergent when this arrived! Score!


Let me tell you a bit about Purex® plus Clorox2® detergent –

Purex plus Clorox 2 is a newer product for the Purex line that became available in March 2016. It claims that Purex plus Clorox 2 detergent contains 3 stain-fighting enzymes that works on removing 100 stains. Some of these stains include:

  • Starchy stains like chocolate and tomato sauce
  • Protein-based stains like grass and blood
  • Stains that use guar gum like ice cream and BBQ sauce

It brightens whites, it’s safe for colors, and a smart value for the price. It also comes in two fragrances: Original Fresh and Sunny Linen.

But – will it work on my toughest stain of the week?

I was about to find out. For once I didn’t have any food-stained clothes to wash – I seem to remember to put on the apron after the first spatter hits my shirt.  Anyway, my husband is a biker and is part of a gang.  Got your attention, didn’t I? Think road bike not a Harley.  He rides twice a week with his gang and then participates quite often in rides across our state that can have him pedaling up to a 100 miles a ride.  All of that riding takes a toll on his bike so he has to work on it, tinker with this or that to make it better than before.  It’s a messy job and typically he will wear clothes that are already beyond help to get the many stains out so I don’t worry about those coming out when I do the wash.  This particular day, he decided to just wear a white t-shirt.  I know, I rolled my eyes and thought – well there’s bleach.  He mentioned to me that the shirt was on the washer so that I would remember it needed some attention.


I grabbed the Purex plus Clorox 2 bottle and decided this needed a pre-treatment.  I dabbed a bit of the detergent on the shirt and rubbed it in gently where the bike grease stains were.  I also saw the armpits had yellow sweat stains.

I need to mention it smelled badgrease, sweat, and gasoline.  I sure hoped this new stain-fighting detergent was up to this task!  I allowed the pre-treatment to sit about 5 minutes then I washed it with a small load of whites (mainly towels) with the recommended amount of Purex. My tip for you: Fill your washer with some water first, then add your detergent. Let it mix a moment before adding your clothes so the detergent dispersed evenly in your washer.


When I took the t-shirt out of the washer to look at it , I was amazed! You couldn’t even tell the grease stains were there at first glance.  A closer look and you could barely see a few gray specks that didn’t totally come out.  The yellow sweat stains were gone and the last test to check was the sniff test.  I sniffed (cautiously) and no lingering gasoline, body odor, or grease smells were noted.  In fact, the shirt not only was brighter and cleaner, it smelled wonderfully.  I was impressed and will keep a bottle of Purex on hand at all times, now!



To learn more about Purex and the variety of products they offer, you can find Purex on Facebook, TwitterPinterest and Instagram.

Disclosure: I received a sample of Purex plus Clorox 2 complimentary for review, but all opinions are my own. I was not compensated for writing this post. Full disclosure policy here.**





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  1. Shakeia Rieux says:

    Armpit stains and blood stains are the toughest to get out

  2. Christy Peeples DuBois says:

    My daughter brought home her polo button down with something black on the side that she and I couldn’t determine what it could be. I didn’t have any Clorox 2 so I used what I had. I do have Clorox 2 on my shopping list to pick up the next time I am shopping. All of the stain didn’t come out.

  3. Nancy Burgess says:

    My toughest stains are usually grease.I’ll try this product as all the grease never comes out.

  4. Stephanie Phelps says:

    My toughest stain was red clay here in GA

  5. I don’t know what it was but my daughter comes home from school with the worst!

  6. Debbie Welchert says:

    The toughest stain for me to get out is grease stains on my husbands work clothes.

  7. Linda Szymoniak says:

    I think the toughest stain I’ve had to deal with was dried-on blood.

  8. Cathy French says:

    My toughest problem is getting rid of sweat stains.

  9. Cathy French says:

    Sweat stains are my biggest challenge. We love Purex products and use them all the time.

  10. Elizabeth says:

    This is kind of embarrassing, but the toughest stain I’ve encountered is that annoying streak in my husbands white briefs 🙁 Almost TMI, I know!

  11. Charlene S. says:

    Motor oil on my son’s jeans where he was working on his car.

  12. Cindy Merrill says:

    Dog Pee on my Grandmother’s White shawl! Oh dear. I just couldn’t believe our 16 year old family pet did that, it was impossible, so it needed to be dry cleaned.

  13. LynneMarie says:

    I work in a Dr’s. office and wear white pants and a white lab coat. We do surgical procedures which sometimes results in blood getting on my clothes. So that’s the toughest stain for me, especially if I don’t see it right away and it winds up drying.

  14. Andrea Williams says:

    I have a real hard time getting grease from cooking out of my clothes.

  15. Marilyn Nawara says:

    My son when he had a job working in small engine repair. Would come one filthy dirty with grease on everything.

  16. Lisa Williams says:

    The toughest stains for me are my husbands pants after he works in the garage,grease and /or car oil stains,they are so bad I wash them separate from everyone else’s laundry because I’m afraid car grease will get on our clothes.

  17. Carly Williams says:

    My toughest stain has been nail polish.

  18. Holly Thomas says:

    Grease is my toughest stain.

  19. Mary Cloud says:

    My husband’s grease stains from his job are the worst

  20. Oil (salad dressing) stains are impossible!!

  21. Grease can be tough if you don’t do some form of pre-treating. Many condiments, especially mustard are also challenging.

  22. Jessica To says:

    My toughest stains are dirt and grass stains on the knees of my son’s pants.

  23. Melissa Storms says:

    My toughest stains are from when my son used his 4 wheeler to drive through mud.

  24. TallulahJane says:

    I have trouble getting grass stains out…my kids play sports and that’s a big issue

  25. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. Toughest stain, tied between marinara sauce and coffee.

  26. craftyone says:

    Oil/grease stains can be very difficult.

  27. Darlene Carbajal says:

    Ketchup stains.

  28. Grass stains are my toughest challenge.

  29. Dawn Keenan says:

    I think that grease stains are the hardest to get out.

  30. Anytime I spill food on my clothes that are greasy, it’s always the toughest.

  31. Julie Bickham says:

    My boyfriend is a chef and always has stains on his chef coats. The worst one by far is hot sauce and bbq sauce!

  32. Grass and grease stains. I think my mister pours gear grease on the lawn and rolls in it. 😉

  33. My toughest stains are grime from cleaning the basement and garage.

  34. Susan Christy says:

    Red clay on a white baseball uniform was the worst!

  35. Toughest stain for me is the dried blood. It never gets away.